Terraforma Festival 2022

Prenota ora, paga dopo con Mooney

Acquista con Carta di Credito o Prepagata

Condividi su:
Terraforma Festival 2022 - Parco di Villa Arconati - FAR (Castellazzo di Bollate - Milano).
Terraforma is back at Villa Arconati on July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. After two years of covering and spirling new orbits, Terraforma will land again on the dusty soil of Villa Arconati , releasing rhythm and frequencies, one step back and two steps forward. The seventh edition of the experimental and sustainable music festival will focus on its most radical and original essence: the experience of being together through music and dance. New horizons will be terraformed: temporary autonomous zones and organic environments where music, nature, and people can come together as a whole, where the sense of rhythm can once again be bound with the natural frequencies of the environment.
More info: terraformafestival.com
Buy the ticket online with credit card or prepaid card and you will receive it via email. Subscriptions SOLD OUT *** If you experience any troubles with OTP Code or Registration, please contact assistenza@diyticket.cloud or send a Whatsapp message to +39060406. Thank you***
Acquista i ticket per le singole giornate (no camping) online con carta di credito o prepagata e li ricevi via email. Abbonamento 3 days + camp SOLD OUT
CAMBIO NOMINATIVO ABBONAMENTO NON CONSENTITO a partire dalle ore 13.00 del 30/06/22
HOW TO CHANGE NAME ON TICKET: the ticket holder is kindly required to send to assistenza@diyticket.cloud:- the file or photo of the ticket that has to be changed- the data of the new participant: name - surname - email and telephone number. Once the validity of the ticket has been verified, we will make the name change and send the valid ticket for entry.